This command adds the specified amount of prestige to your character. Specify a negative amount to reduce your score. If you don't specify a number after the command, 5,000 score will be added by default. I'm reasonably certain that would work, but I've never tried it before.This command adds the specified amount of score to your character. i.e., grant a City to the eldest son of an aging Duke then hope the Duke dies (read as: have the Duke killed) and inherits his father's Duchy before his son gains any Feudal titles or dies himself. If you wanted to be really clever you could try to engineer a line of inheritance to create the Republic. The 'Merchant Republic' Crusader Kings II Wiki article gives some handy tips on choosing a good site for a merchant republic and who to put in charge. When you grant a Duchy to a person whose capital is a coastal city the game will automatically create a merchant republic.