Just by looking at this man I can tell he is good at his job this guy can definitely handle a cock. I retrieve Clucker and return to the Cock Handler in the Caravanserai. The fight isn’t a clean kill, because he still gives and can take a lot of damage, but he dies. She was a good woman, before the encephalopathy and incontinence, but I think she was wrong, because she also said “people who let people bully them never prosper.” I know which one I’d rather be. “Bullies never prosper” my great aunt Fanny used to say. Fortunately, now so am I, which means I get to pick on him for a change. Turns out he’s an Elite, which basically means he is like 10 times harder than his level indicates.

I’m sure it says that somewhere in the bible: “Verily I say unto thee, ice cream is a dish best served cold.” It’s just common sense.Īnyway, it’s payback time for the Chicken Handler, so on my way outta Kopshef I make a stop at Bubshur and see him, the smug bastard, strutting around. For me, ice cream is a dish that is traditionally best served cold. I’m not sure I altogether agree with that. They say that revenge is a dish best served cold.